Carta de Champagnat

Carta de Champagnat

lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

Little hope of making us brothers

(Versión para algunos amigos)

Little hope of making us brothers

I don't  dream
to transform the world.
It's too big,
it's too far,
it's too thought ...
I don't dream governments
uncorrupted, untouched, perfect.
I don't dream
with the leaders of the world,
interhuman love's giants.

I have seen a young man dying
and I have sown in your life
the presence of a God
which still has the last word.
I have seen children without school
in the horror of a people torn apart by war
I have searched teachers, in God,
than they will teach to walk firmly.

Orphans and elderly are under my roof.
Shelter and bread, and love first,
It is all I have for them.

Little flower is my life.
Violet, little flower of hope,
tucked away
in the farthest corner
of Pandora's box,
we still stay.
You're still human.
You're still people.

Making us brothers
I don’t dream much
Making us little -Jesus said-

Making us neighbors
man beaten
on the roadside,
man finished,
dint of misery.

Making us brothers.
Pick up the cries
and raise them to God
in one voice.
They are common song
and liberating path.

Little hope of making us brothers.

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